
Showing posts with the label HowEssentialIsCustomerLoyaltytoYourBusiness

How Essential Is Customer Loyalty to Your Business

How Essential Is Customer Loyalty to Your Business Every business owner wants loyal clients as it results in 3 to 5 times more sales than new clients. However, many times even after building a loyal customer base your business struggles like many other companies. Maybe you’re not looking at the right picture? Perhaps it is not your customer but your business that failed to stay loyal and it’s time to try a new approach to customer loyalty. Your customers have done their part by buying a product or service from you. Now, the ball is in your court, it’s your responsibility to manage customers and provide better experiences by exceeding their expectations. Only delivering the product or service is not enough, you need to serve customers in such a way they won’t even think about leaving your brand for any other competitor. The loyalty that a dog and humans share is something that businesses should inculcate and market to their customers. This may sound weird but read on the ...