New Year Resolution for Salespeople
New Year Resolution for Salespeople The New Year is approaching, and most of the people are retrospecting and reevaluating their life choices. New Year’s resolutions are the opportunities for those people who have failed to bring the changes that they said they would bring in next week, next month, or next summer. If you are a salesperson, then it becomes essential for you to analyze what went wrong in the previous year; what better you can do in the New Year by setting New Year resolution. Setting the New Year resolution for salespeople is not rocket science. Let us see what can be the New Year resolution for salespeople: Don’t Over think You know, that little voice in your head saying, “I will never make this sale,” “My prospect’s not interested,” “I don’t know what I’m doing.” These are all deal-killers controlled by one and only one thing: your brain. Don’t let your head trash get in the way of following your sales plan. Your quota or KPIs will still be there...